12 Benefits of Eating Star Fruit During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful phase of a woman’s life and requires a lot of perseverance to move through it. If a pregnant mother who has unusual cravings so often, one day just stomps her feet and asks for a star fruit, would it be okay?

Star fruit is one of the many cravings which is listed in the pregnant woman’s list. Star fruit colloquially known as carambola is a five angled waxy yellow fruit which looks like a star when sliced horizontally. It is sweet and sour in taste and grows in Sri Lanka at large. It grows on a tree known as Averrhoa Carambola.

star fruit during pregnancy

Let’s Weigh in the Benefits of this exotic fruit, shall we?

Benefits of Star Fruit:

1. Star fruit contains high amounts of nutrients. These nutrients lead to a natural and healthy pregnancy period. Due to this very reason, eating star fruit during pregnancy is highly recommended.

2. The most often asked question by expectant mothers is: Can pregnant women eat star fruit? The answer is YES.

3. Star fruit contains carbohydrates, vitamins, carotenoid compounds, organic acids, minerals and nutrients to name a few, all of which are extremely important for the healthy growth of the baby.

4. Mouth infections, influenza and viral infections can be cured by drinking the fresh star fruit juice. The folic acid and minerals present in the fruit help in maintaining stamina and energy during pregnancy.

5. Star fruit as said in one of the native tales is a God sent gift for the women as it regulates the hormones and also relieves you from stress induced during Pms or pregnancy. What’s more, eating star fruit during pregnancy also help with cramps! What more could you ask for?

6. It also helps in keeping the immunity strong as it contains high amount of antioxidants which help in fighting off diseases and infections. Vitamin C present in Star fruit helps regulate the cells and prevent the free radical damage.

7. Star fruit contains Vitamin A in plenty, it is the vitamin which is needed for a good vision. Thus, deficiency of Vitamins and minerals during pregnancy causing defects in the baby as well as the mother in long term are continuously fended off.

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8. Not only does the star fruit help prevent acute illnesses but the major nutrients in it along with some proteins help in stopping the cancerous cells from developing. Eating star fruit during pregnancy will help the baby and the mother stay away from cancer.

9. Star fruit is nutritious in the right way and helps keep the digestion smooth and normal. When the baby grows the uterine wall stretches pressurizing the stomach and intestines to compromise the space making it difficult for easy flow of digestive functions.

10. Along with digestion, star fruit strikes off the possibilities of urinary problems. Pregnant woman often have to deal with urinary problems, star fruit helps in decreasing the severity of this problem. Adding honey to star fruit juice makes it even more pleasing as an anti diuretic.

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11. Star fruit contains high potassium content which helps maintain the blood pressure level. Heart attacks and high blood pressure might invite sudden death. Star fruit juice scratches off these options of hypertension. This gives another reason to say yes to this delicious fruit.

12. Star fruit juice if drunk and included in the diet of a pregnant woman daily would also help in balancing the cholesterol and other fatty problems like flatulence.

Cravings of pregnancy are common and not taken seriously at most times. But star fruit is one of the most obliging craving if we take it that way. As it has next to no side effects and harms compared to the positive outcomes.

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Star fruit also is a delicacy and can be eaten in various different ways, as a dessert or juice. Sour and sweet being the best known combination for the palate of an expecting mother. So, the next time a pregnant woman asks you : Is star fruit good for pregnant women?  Don’t even think twice about it.