15 Best Calcium Rich Fruits In India | Styles At Life

Calcium is an essential component for the body. It is our teeth, our bones, etc. The more the calcium content, the better the body. Calcium is necessary for proper growth and maintenance of different functions of the body. It is essential for proper functioning of vital hormones of the body, maintaining muscles, etc. Proper dosages of calcium can recover us from a number of major internal as well as external diseases such as heart and lung diseases. Hence, consumption of calcium rich foods is important. Now let’s come to fruits. Fruits come with the goodness of nature and some with high proportions of calcium as well. Proper intake of calcium rich fruits can make us healthy easily. The daily value of calcium for an average person is about 1000 milligrams. Here are some of the best calcium-rich fruits along with other health benefits.

Calcium Rich Fruits In India:

This article will explain the list of foods rich in calcium which make you more healthy. These fruits with calcium are most powerful qualities than other fruits.

1. Oranges:

Calcium Rich Fruits

Who doesn’t like oranges? Often we eat them casually without being aware of its goodness. Orange is best calcium rich fruit. Well here is a great chance to educate yourself about the nutritional value of oranges. These fruits contain about 45 to 50milligrams of calcium along with powerful vitamins such as Vitamin C. Starting your morning with a glass of orange juice is an excellent choice.

2. Apricots:

Calcium Rich Fruits 2

Apricot is one of the most effective calcium rich fruits. Dried apricots taste great and are good for your health as well. These fruits contain around 5 milligrams of calcium per 100grams serving. If you love to hike or if you wish to be a mountain climber or a mountain biker then start including dried apricots in your regular diet.

3. Dried Figs:

Calcium Rich Fruits 3

These fruits are a rich source of calcium and contain around 160mg of calcium per 100g serving which is equal to 241mg of calcium per glass. Intake of dried figs can provide your body with essential amounts of calcium which can make you stronger and healthier from the core.

4. Kiwis:

Calcium Rich Fruits 4

This tropical food is loaded with good amounts of calcium and other essential vitamins which are beneficial for the body. People of almost all ages can eat this fruit. When it comes to calcium content, kiwis contain over 30 grams of calcium per 100g serving which means a glass juice can supply your body with over 60grams of calcium.

5. Rhubarb:

Calcium Rich Fruits 5

This fruit was primarily considered as a vegetable. But nowadays people know this as a fruit filled with valuable natural elements. The fruit is a rich source of calcium and one cup of rhubarb juice can provide your body with more than 300 milligrams of calcium. This is one of the perfect fruits rich in calcium along with other benefits.

See More:  Calcium Rich Vegetables

6. Mulberries:

Calcium Rich Fruits 6

Mulberry is also one another calcium rich fruit. You cannot find these fruits in any grocery store. Rather mulberries are very hard to find. However, you should consider yourself lucky if get your hands on them as they are a rich source of raw calcium elements. One cup of mulberry contains around 55 milligrams of calcium.

7. Prickly Pears:

Calcium Rich Fruits 7

Prickly pears are a rich source of calcium. They contain 83mlligarms of calcium per cup which means that a single prickly pear comes with 58milligrams of calcium.

See More:  Protein Rich Vegetables

8. Kumquats:

Calcium Rich Fruits 8

Kumquat is one placed vital role in the list of best calcium rich fruits. These are delicious fruits which are also a good source of Vitamin C, A and calcium. They come with 12 millgrams of calcium and are admired almost throughout the globe because of their taste.

9. Prunes:

Calcium Rich Fruits 9

Prunes are best fruits with calcium a rich source of calcium. They are a popular disease-fighting agent and can prevent the occurrence of a number of body aches. The content of an alcohol sugar in these fruits makes them taste awesome. As far as the content of calcium is concerned, a glass of prune juice will supply you with 55grams of calcium.

See More: List Of Foods With High Sugar Content

10. Grapefruit:

Calcium Rich Fruits - Grapefruit

Grape fruit With calcium content as high as 22 mg per glass of juice, you ought to love this fruit for more reasons than just its taste. The fruit helps a great deal in boosting the blood pressure and heart health, thus leaving a positive influence in your body.

11. Blackcurrants:


Blackcurrants are known as the magic ingredient for women who are looking for fruits rich in calcium. The fruit also helps keep the menopause issues of aged women in check. Aside from that, it can also help as a source that can reduce inflammation overall. Sometimes, it is used by pregnant women who are not allowed their usual medication owing to their condition. Now coming to the calcium content, blackcurrants are rich in calcium by 55 mg content per 100 grams of the fruit. For each serving, you gain around 30-40 mg. This is, quite the amount, if you consider the size of the fruit.

12. Lime:

Calcium Rich Fruits - Lime

Lime is quite high in calcium rich fruits list with its 33 mg content per 100 grams. Lime is often associated with all good things your body can get. From weight loss to a clear skin complexion, lime is a reliable fruit. Besides these, it also helps keep your constipation issues in check. It is one of the most common fruits all over the world and even the teeniest bit of the juice can add more flavor to your food. Not to mention the benefits it bestows you with is an added advantage.

13. Papaya:

Calcium Rich Fruits - Papaya

Papaya is known as one of the world’s healthiest fruits owing to its nutrient content. Papaya is on the top of calcium content fruit chart owing to its dose of 20 mg per 100 grams of serving. It can be eaten both raw and cooked. Papaya is not just popular for its taste, but has equally known health benefits. It helps protect you against colon cancer risks. Not just that, papayas also boosts the health of your body, the cardiovascular system in particular. Papaya contains a digestive enzyme Papain, which is of great help in bringing down the pain from the internal sports injuries.

14. Strawberry:

Calcium Rich Fruits - Strawberry

Tastes like perfection in your mouth; this reddish pink fruit is loaded with all sorts of nutrients. But the fruit is rich in calcium by about 16 mg per 100 grams of serving. Given its peers, it might not be the highest bidder in the list, but its health benefits are hard to match. Strawberries give your immunity a much needed boost, just like it helps with the eye problems. You will find your vision improving in no time, since strawberry has Vitamin C that helps work on the cornea and retina focus. No other fruits rich in calcium like this strawberry.

15. Guava :

Calcium Rich Fruits - Guava

From the juice to the raw fruit, the smell and taste will keep you craving more of the fruit. While in India the white guava is more common, mostly otherwise, the pinkish tinge is preferred. The fruit has great health benefits as well. It is rich in Lycopene, Vitamin C and antioxidants aside from being a fruit rich in calcium. Talking of which, guava has a calcium content of 18 mg per 100 grams of serving. The winter fruit is a crucial immunity booster and equally beneficial for pregnant woman, being rich in folic acid.

So, now you know you don’t need to worry about being calcium deficient just because you are lactose intolerant. Keep up with the grocery shopping and don’t forget to include these calcium rich fruits in your list. In no time you will find yourself fit and healthier than ever, and you can thank us later.