32 weeks of pregnancy – Symptoms and Fetal Development

The pregnancy is a tough process not every woman sails smoothly. The nights filled with insomnia disturbingly transits to a frantic run to the bathroom at the crack of the morning and thus she carries him for the next nine precious months of her life. While for experienced ones the days might fly by but when it comes to the woman stepping into motherhood for the first time, things might seem pretty radical and raw.

The first time experiencing of haphazard hormones and emotions slowly changes to subtle bondage between the mother and the child and by the 32nd week, he has established his desire to leave his resting and welcome himself to the outer world. In medical terms, the pregnancy process of nine whole months is broken down into a weekly format where 40 weeks sum up the process. By the 32nd week your baby is ready and set and here is the highlight for the week.

See More: 30th Week Baby Development

32 Weeks of Pregnancy

Set in His Position:

In those pregnancy videos you were shown in your school or rather just by watching the blockbuster three idiots we all know that the baby inside the womb forces out his head fist before torso but that is not how he was arranged for all these months. When it all started, the baby was floating in the amniotic fluid head up and legs down but on the 32nd week he senses his days of leave and so one morning you might feel a lot of rumbling and tumbling in your tummy and guess what the ultrasound will find your baby like? By now your baby has turned upside down and positioned himself on the entrance. The usual kick and punches would let you know he can no longer live the boxed in life. But don’t worry he is not uncomfortable since his head fits better that way in your pear shaped baby maker.

See More: 31 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

Skin Affairs:

The initial stage of the fetus would be nothing but a piece of skin on a skeletal structure but God knows best how to create the prefect human so he waits for all these month to perfect the internal affairs. Now that it is done from the 30th week the inner layers of fat develops. Now in the 32nd week, the baby’s once saggy crinkly skin is now being filled with layers of baby fat. His cheeks are inflating and so is his gut as he consumes more food. A white waxy substance called the vernix caseosa that once covered his skin now has worn off giving the amniotic fluid a light milky color. The lanugos or the soft baby hair covering his body is retracting too.

Gender Detection:

Even though the gender can be known far earlier than to wait till the 32nd week, by now the genders have almost matured and perfected themselves. For a boy his scrotums have to develop before his testicles start dropping down. This process is completed by this month when the baby’s testicles have successfully descended to the scrotums below. For a girl, her labia major lips are now ready covering her inner minor lips. If you don’t know any better, there is already a deposit of primitive egg numbering in 7 billion in her wee little ovary. This count drops down to two billions afterwards.

See More: 35 Weeks Pregnant

Touch Ups:

Much like the last minute touch ups you do, the baby’s toe and finger nails along with the hair follicles maybe with some hair in it are now perfecting themselves as he gets ready for his leave. This includes the nervous system too with the optic nerves or the smell and hearing nerves perfecting themselves.


About this time, the baby will weigh around 107 kilograms and will be 42 cm long from head to toe. For the first few months (till 32), the baby will have a pretty good chance of surviving and thriving.


Lungs will be one of the most important part of the baby, though by this time, they will not be fully developed. This will grow properly a little before birth and for then, the baby will be inhaling anatomic fluid to keep the lungs in proper state.

The full nine months is divided into 40 weeks which is further categorized into three segments. The first trimester is hard on both the baby and the mother as they both fight for their ease. In the second trimester they acquire the ease they have been fighting for and finally in the third trimester they again start their fight for ease. The mother also goes through a certain number of changes along with the baby.


At around this time you would feel a soft contraction occurring and reoccurring at times. This in medical world is termed Braxton Hick’s contraction which is nothing but your body or ovary getting ready for the final day. This is the best time to sign up for labor classes where they teach you the graceful way to an easy child birth. These contractions however are not painful but may produce a little discomfort.

Spilling and Paining:

By now you might experience your body glands and muscles losing its perks. Your hip girdles might expand by now causing a slight pain. This may also be the case of your breasts which too might expand now and with the body producing more and more female hormones, a slight pain in the mammary glands might occur. With the ovaries stretching a slight pain in the abdominal area is also possible which is totally normal.

Pick Up Advices:

By now you should be more and more careful of the incoming problems and tips and tricks about to hit you. This is why consult doctors and mid wives at the best. The strict to do chart formulated by the doctor should be the mantra of your week now.

Subsidiary Problems:

The subsidiary problems all relate to wither the growing baby or the excess production of female hormones. By now your baby measures almost a 19 inch and weighs four pounds which is why the baby keeps pushing the contents in your stomach upwards. This causes the stomach components to push upwards cramping the empty space making the lungs expand less. This causes the breathlessness. The other problems include the indigestion, heartburns and frequent urinations.


This is one of the most important symptoms during this time, that is quite commonly visible. Fatigue is probably one of those that you will have to go through. Along with fatigue, there is one more thing that you will have to sustain, that is sleepless nights. If you are looking to live a healthy life with the baby, then try getting some sleep during the day time. This will allow you to stay awake during the night and the rest will also remove the fatigue. A lot of women find the process of sleeping during the daytime hard at first. But later on, they all go through it and that is how they get adjusted with it.

Nagging Symptoms:

Some of the mostly seen symptoms during the 32week phase of pregnancy are heartburn, knee swelling, acidity, etc and other similar medical conditions that can make you feel worse. If you are looking for some serious solution of diseases, then reduce these issues while you have time. Or else, later on, you will have to go through it and that will be a serious issue. Heartburn and acidity can be reduced by taking proper medication and there is also some techniques, exercises, medicines, etc for reducing the swelling effect of the knees. Consulting a doctor after receiving these symptoms would be appropriate.

Week Activity:

During the week, a lot of things will be happening and most of them will be new for you. Your baby will be growing heavy and so will you. And here comes the issue of excess weight. The body is always designed to sustain the weight it should and some women worry a lot. There is no need to worry about this matter, until and unless a proper diet is maintained. Because of proper diet, the body will be able to have the right food that will provide strength to the mother’s body and also keep her fit during this time. A lot of yoga poses and leg workouts such as squats should be practiced get rid of pain in the prime portions of the limbs. This has helped a lot of people and will surely help you as well. The fetus will be practicing breathing motions and will be preparing for birth as well. There surely will be feelings such as depression, mood swings, etc and you want to take proper care of your emotions by hanging out with people and sharing stuffs. You don’t want to head to the next week with a sad face but with high expectations and excitement.

Week Diet and Exercise:

Proper diet is always required to get through these kind of situations. If you are not willing to make some changes to the diet schedule, then there will be times, when you will fall sick easily and then recovering will be a real problem. This is probably the last trimester and for going through it, you will require some serious medical care. The energy requirement for supporting the baby;s growth increases during this period.


This is an important thing during this week. Calorie requirement should be met. A pregnant mothers only requires an amount of 200 calories in the last trimester and that requirement can be easily met. Though, there are some experts, who recommend to consume around 300. Eating proper vegetables, bread, fruits, etc can assist you to meet that requirement.

Staying Hydrated:

If you are residing in tropical countries, then proper hydration is always required as the sweating process won’t stop even during pregnancy and with this extra life growing inside you, you definitely don’t want to lose the salts from the body. This is a pretty serious issue and it should be kept in mind that eating the right foods will provide the baby with the right stuffs as well. Carry filtered or boiled water if you go out.

Excessive Heat Appetites:

If you are having stomach issues such as indigestion and this is because of the heat, then having some cooling side dishes with food won’t hurt. Drinking more water during this time will keep you body hydrated and fresh and having proper amounts of foods like pineapple, carrot, etc and Indian side dishes such as veg curry, riata, etc will be helpful during this time. Drink some coconut water to reduce the stress.

Exercise is always an important issue, when you are pregnant, since there is no end to fitness. If you are willing to stay fit,then reducing the aches in the different small portions of the limbs will always help. If you are willing to reduce the pain during pregnancy, then try some yoga, walking, etc. Don’t do jogging during this week of trimester. Since, you are in the trimester phase, then avoid doing the exercises, that will put serious stress on the abdomen.

Sex During This Week:

It’s not like that sex will be the last thing on your mind during this time. though, when a lot of women hit the trimester phase, they avoid having sexual activities, it is completely fine to have intercourse. Sometimes, it can prove to be a total game changer, when to comes to inducing labor. Sex is also a mind-changer. When you are fed up with the stress, the excess baby weight, the physique damage, you will be willing to make some serious changes in your daily recreation routine and sex can be one of them. It can surely take your mind off the stress and let to have some fun with your couple. Plus, when has sweet love caused any kind of trouble? Sometimes, sex will feel like the only option. However, try to keep the intensity factor out of the equation during having sex.

Tips To Overcome Stress During 32 Weeks Pregnancy:

Overcoming stress is like winning a battle during pregnancy, when enough has been won already. A lot of women have different reasons for their stressful period during pregnancy. If you are willing to overcome stress during pregnancy, then talk to some professional about it or consult friends. As staying with your partner all the time can be one of the reasons behind the stress, when mood swings are on the rising. Sometimes, excessive stress can lead to sleeping disorders, depression, bad appetite, etc and many more things that can make your really sick physically and mentally. You have to be in strong state mentally to deal with all the issues that can fix you. If you are willing to reduce stress easily, then take some expert help and talk to those who care and actually understand.

Medical Treatment and Regular Checkup:

There are many medical conditions that needs to be dealt with during this time of pregnancy. Medical conditions such as excessive stress, cough, stomach issues, leg cramps, etc are the most common ones. Here, we will be discussing some medicines that will hopefully help you with the all the probable medical conditions.

For excessive physical aches, acetaminophen is one of the best medicines out there.

For stomach problems and bowel issues such as constipation, Dulcolax is a pretty good medicine that can be easily availed.

For yeast infection, Gynelotrimin can be claimed to be the best one.

Some women just experience common cold and Vicks Formula 44 is one of the best ones in this category. Plus, if you are looking for some serious medication, then consult a doctor before taking any kind of heavy powered cold pill.

Regular checkup should be done to track and movement and growth of the baby.

32 Weeks Pregnant Week Tips and Precautions:

There are certain things that should be kept in mind. Most of the physical issue during pregnancy cannot be determined before hand. If you are dealing with some serious physical problems, then you should have the knowledge and the ability to identify them before hand. For example, for contraction-induced changes in the cervix, the membranes may be responsible. If you have infections in the the membranes or preterm premature rupture of the membranes, then then labor delays can be one of the main outcomes. This is probably one of the best and rare tips, that anyone can provide you during this particular time span of pregnancy.

For precautions, there are certain stuffs that you will have to avoid. Those are high-intensity workouts, smoking, alcohol, excessive fatty foods, etc.

This article has provided you with the best tips and tricks to deal with the 32nd week of pregnancy and this is how you will get through it. For dealing with pregnancy, certain things are always required and those are having proper meals at the right time and also taking proper medications. All these things will allow you to go through this week.

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