5th Month Pregnancy Diet – Which Foods To Eat And Avoid?

Being a mother is a moment to cherish over. The time is essential for the mother that what she needs to eat. In the fifth month of pregnancy baby should have sufficient nutrition. This will help the baby to nurture inside. Being a mother you may wish to have different types of tasty dishes but make sure it is not harming your baby.

5th month pregnancy diet

What To Eat?

Sufficient Amount of Water:

At this time of pregnancy mother needs to take care of two persons. Along with foods adequate amount of water is also important. During the time of pregnancy constipation is a very obvious problem of many women. Along with foods one should drink glasses full of water. It will certainly help to avoid constipation. It is the way to keep the body hydrate.

Protein Foods Necessary For Pregnant Woman:

Protein is the most vital ingredient for providing energy in the body. At this time body needs to be energetic for carrying the child safely in her womb. Sufficient amount of protein is very much essential for the physical growth of the body. Mostly it ensures strong growth of muscles, skin and other organs. Protein containing foods are eggs, soya chunks, nuts pulses etc.

Importance of Salad For The Period:

Nowadays doctors are advising to have green salad for the pregnant woman. Salads which contain raw vegetable like carrots, cabbage, cucumber, fresh tomato are effective in this stage. All the ingredients contain minerals and fibre which is a part of 5th month of pregnancy diet as per doctor advice. But make sure you are having a fresh salad.

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Glass of Milk:

Among the diary product milk is very important during the time of pregnancy. Milk is advised in the diet during 5th month of pregnancy for calcium. The product is high in calcium which necessary for bone development. It also strengthens the teeth and muscles. Many do feel uncomfortable to drink milk during the pregnancy period. In that case have some other dairy products fit for your health.

Chicken Contains High Protein:

Fresh chicken is a healthy food for pregnancy. If you are tired having vegetables cook some chicken for gaining high protein. Compare to other meats fresh chicken is safe as a pregnancy diet. It is better to avoid other meats as they are not safe for your health at this crucial time.

Fruits Are Healthy Enough:

Fruits are considered to be very important for a pregnant lady. Once you carry your child, make a good habit of having fruit daily. Fruits are specially advised by the doctor. Eating fresh fruits you can provide sufficient amount of vitamin and minerals to your baby. It is as important as others for natural growth of a baby.

Eat Green Vegetables:

Especially at this time vegetables sounds very tasteless and boring. But for your baby you need to have necessary amount of green vegetables in a day. It is a must option in the 5th month pregnancy diet chart so far.Veggies like spinach, broccoli, and beans are worthy eating during pregnancy. Besides you along with your little one will not suffer from any kind deficiency.


Fish is a good source of protein. Especially the small fishes are very necessary in this period. Make sure it is cooked with hygiene. Unhygienic food may cause harm to your baby. Try avoiding sea fishes while you are pregnant. They carry a harmful element like mercury which can affect the development of your baby.

Grains Do Play A Vital Role:

The products which all are made up of grain are breads, wheat, rice corn are much effective as a pregnancy diet. All these products are full of vitamin e and vitamin b important for normal growth of a baby. Such products also provide two needed elements like iron and magnesium. The nourishment of the baby to a great extent depends on these types of products.

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What Not To Eat?

Fruits To Be Avoided:

Fruits are no matter very healthy. But tropical fruits are better to avoid during the entire pregnancy time. Especially papaya, pineapple, pomegranate to a greatextent is responsible for miscarriage. Henceforth such fruits are not at all good to have in the period. Apart from package fruits are also to be strictly avoided. They generally carry preservation material that creates harmful bacteria within the product.

Try Avoiding Soft Drinks:

Soft drinks are favorites of many. But may you do not know that they carry calories not good for health at all. Such carbonated products creates digestion problem. It is a good reason for excessive weight gaining. Excess of calories will surely increase your weight and make your body heavy. Heavy weight can create problem in your pregnancy.

Street Foods:

Street foods are considered to be very unhygienic at this moment. Especially the pizzas and burgers works like poison to a pregnant lady. Make sure that as a 5th month of pregnancy food you are far away from it. Though the foods are very delicious but for the good health of your baby try avoid these fatty items for a certain period.

Restriction In Tea and Coffee:

Though these products are not harmful but make it very rare in day. Often sip of coffee and tea may cause problem in your pregnancy. These products contain caffeine which is much responsible for weakness. Generally doctor advices about two cups of tea and coffee in a day. The product is well known for affecting the heart rate.

Stop Drinking Alcohol:

Perhaps this product is the most harmful among all. Many women do good habit of alcohol. No matter it is a party or any celebration being pregnant avoid drinking alcohol. If your baby is precious to you then step far from this type of drink.

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While you reach the fifth month of your pregnancy a preliminary structure of bay’s organs develop. Thus rest of the time protein, vitamin and nutrition is required for the further growth. For forming a good shape these ingredients are needed in huge amount. Henceforth, a proper diet can only provide these necessary neutrinos.