9 Best Natural Tips to Clear Upper Lip Hair | Styles At Life

The face of a person is that what speaks and you can analyze about him or her. But if on a woman’s face hair starts erupting above the lips appear very embarrassing, even a matter of concern as it effects her self esteem and makes her feel conscious every time she is in crowd.

Generally due to some hormonal imbalance, racial background, genetically, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), abnormal increase of androgen hormone in women’s body named as hirsutism and certain medication leads to growth of hairs on upper lips. Every time you can visit the beauty salon to get rid of it.

natural tips to clear upper lip hair

Best Natural Tips to Clear Upper Lip Hair – How to Make and Use?

Here are some top 9 tips which can help you to get rid of this upper lip hair and make you appear pretty and charming.

1. Bengal Gram Flour and Turmeric:

This is one great and effective way of remove upper lip hair naturally and once again looks fabulous without hairs.

Ingredients Required:
One tea spoon Bengal gram flour, pinch of fresh turmeric powder, and few drops of lemon juice.

Steps to Apply:

  • Take fine gram flour into a bowl and mix turmeric powder, and milk and blend in to form a thick paste.
  • Then after blending, add lemon juice to the paste.
  • Apply it on the upper lip area with brush or hands and let it get dried.
  • After drying scrub it gently in the direction of hair growth and wash with water.

Try to apply the paste on alternate days for better result. Just ensure that before using the pack do a patch test on and after applying the pack the skin becomes dry apply fresh cream or any moisturizer.

2. Chamomile Tea and Sugar Pack:

It’s always been said that tea is good for only health purpose, but now it can be used as beauty product to enhance your look too.

Ingredients Required:

One spoon of chamomile tea powder, two cups of sugar, some water, wax strip and plastic Popsicle stick to apply.

Steps to Apply:

  • First, take the chamomile tea and boil it in water for some time and strain it in a bowl.
  • Allow it to get cool.
  • Now take half a cup of tea and pour the sugar into it and stir it till it gets dissolved.
  • Place the mixture on heat and allow it to heat and boil so that it gets reduced and thick.
  • Once it has got thick allow it to get cool down.
  • Then slowly start applying it on the upper lip part with the stick.
  • Allow the paste to get dry and apply the wax strip on it. Then pull it quickly, ensuring that you pull in the opposite direction of the hair growth.
  • Then splash water on the entire face and have a look at glowing face.

You can use once again this natural upper lip hair removal when the hair grows again. This pack once made can be preserved and used as and when required.

3. Honey and Dried Apricot Mask:

Here comes sizzling and a powerhouse of many minerals and vitamin that’s apricot. Honey in itself is booster for all skin types. So the combination of both can do wonders and help you get rid of upper lip hair.

Ingredients Required:

One small cup dried apricots and one teaspoon of honey.

Steps to Apply:

  • First, take the dried apricots and blend it so that it churns into powder form.
  • Then pour it in a bowl and mix honey.
  • Mix it well so that no lumps are there, till it turns into a smooth paste.
  • Apply the pack on upper lip area and let it get dry.
  • Once the pack is almost dry and slowly, gently starts scrubbing for 10 minutes in a circular pattern.
  • Clean the entire face with warm water.

Apply the pack for 3- 4 times a week for amazing results.

4. Gelatin and Milk:

This is an awesome combination which can be used to remove unwanted and ugly looking upper lip hairs. This mask can be prepared at home very easily.

Ingredients Required:

One tablespoon gelatin (preferably unflavored), plastic Popsicle stick, two tablespoon milk, three drops of lavender oil.

Steps to Apply:

  • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until it becomes a smooth paste.
  • Then place the bowl in a microwave for 10-20 seconds.
  • Allow the mix to cool down and then apply on upper lip area with the Popsicle stick.
  • Lets the pack get dry and then slowly peel it off.
  • Wash your face with cold water.

>After cleaning the pack if some redness appear on the skin, then dab the area with ice cubes.

5. Turmeric, Wheat Bran and Milk Pack:

This is another excellent way to get rid of upper lip hair with natural remedies products. As wheat bran contains many essential nutrients which nourishes the skin and helps to get rid of hairs on a permanent basis.

Ingredients Required:

One table spoon of wheat bran (preferably good quality bran), two teaspoons of milk and rose water, with a pinch of turmeric powder.

Steps to Apply:

  • Take wheat bran in a bowl and mix rose water, milk and turmeric in it and mix it well so that no lumps are there.
  • Spread it on the upper lip area and leave for two minutes.
  • Then gently rub the area in a circular direction till it dries out completely.
    Clean the area with cold water.

Do use this upper lip hair remove naturally pack regularly 15-20 days and then thrice in a week, watch the miracles happening. You can make the pack in some good quantity and use it for 4- 5 days ensure to keep left over in refrigerator.

6. Fresh Cream and Chickpea Flour:

Chick pea is being an edible item and is being used in the kitchen but now it can also help you in getting rid of upper lip hair also.

Ingredients Required:

Two tablespoon chickpea flour, one spoon milk cream, one teaspoon turmeric powder and cold milk to mix.

Steps to Apply:

  • First take chickpea flour and milk cream in a small bowl and mix it well.
  • Then add turmeric powder and a few drop of cold mix to make a thick paste.
  • Then apply on the upper lip area with brush or fingers and allow it to get dry.
  • Then in circular movements slowly rinse it off with luke warm water.

Repeat this for at least four times a week and its one of the way to permanently remove upper lip hairs.

7.  Masoor Dal and Cold Milk Paste:

Masoor dal or red lentil contains many vitamin, protein  and exfoliates skin and restricts the hair growth, in turn lending you  a glowing skin.

Ingredients Required:

One tablespoon masoor dal(paste form), pinch of turmeric and  half cup cold milk.

Steps to Apply:

  • First soak the masoor dal in boiled cold milk for overnight.
  • Then, in morning blend the mix. Do not make a fine paste let it be a grainy paste.
  • Apply the pack on upper lip on allow keep it for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Then slowly start scrubbing the paste with light hands and rinse it off with cold water.

After washing if you feel very dry, apply some moisturizer on the skin. Apply this pack for 3- 4 times in a week and slowly and gradually the hairs will stop coming on the upper lips.

8.  Amazing Use of Basil Leaves and Onion to Remove Upper Lip Hairs:

The mix of basil and onion is a better way to remove and restrict the growth of hairs on upper lip area. Onion contains proteins and is a rich source of antioxidants and basil contains many vital minerals good for restricting growth of hairs.

Ingredients Required:

One onion and 8-10 basil leave.

Steps to Apply:

  • Take the onion and slowly remove the membrane which is present in between the layers of onion.
  • Keep the basil leaves in between the layers of an onion.
  • Now crush the onion till it turns into a fine paste.
  • Apply the paste on the upper lip area and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Then clean it with water and for best results apply this pack for 3 -4 times in a week.

9.  Raw Papaya, Aloe Vera and Turmeric Powder:

As we all know raw papaya is good for health, but it even it work wonders on the skin. It contains enzyme termed as papain which slows down as well restrict the growth the growth of hair and turmeric helps in the removal of hair.

Ingredients Required:

One table spoon of raw papaya paste, half teaspoon of turmeric and Aloe Vera gel.

Steps to Apply:

  • First wash, peel and chop the papaya in small cubes. Then blend it in a blender and make a smooth paste.
  • Add smooth raw papaya paste, turmeric powder and aloe vera gel with and stir it well.
  • Then apply the paste on the affected area and allow it get dry.
  • After drying clean it with normal water.

The aloe vera gel moisturizes the skin and applies the pack for at least thrice a week.

With the regular use of the above mentioned tips the growth of hair on upper lips can be reduced and with the passage of time it even disappears slowly. As these tips are of natural product it requires patience and dedication and you should continue applying them on A regular basis as you don’t get results immediately after applying them.