Coconut Water – Benefits And Advantages | Styles At Life

Coconut Water also known as Nariyal paani is a refreshing and energizing drink that contains more potassium than you will find in four bananas. They are very hydrating and have been used specially in countries like India. Being very popular, it is consumed by people of all ages and is a favourite for all. They are very low in calories and so much better for your health compared to other aerated drinks. It is taken most of the time in summer as this season makes drinking cold coconut water idea and refreshing. It has been used for medicinal and healing purposes and can help you out internally and externally. Let’s find out how.

Coconut Water - Benefits And Advantages

 Uses And Benefits Of Coconut Water:

Coconut water is so full of nutrients that it will nourish you from inside and also gives a natural shine to your hair and skin. Read the this article to understand its full of health benefits of coconut water for skin, hair and health.

Health Benefits Of Coconut Water:

1. Manages Stress:

One of the most wonderful benefits that coconut water can provide you with is the managing of stress. All you need to do for this is drinking coconut water whenever you can. This will relax and hydrate your whole body. You will feel so refreshed from within and thus be able to manage stress. This is the ultimate drink that acts as a stress buster and has been advised by most doctors and experts for those who would want to kill that lethargic and lazy feeling.

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2. Weight Loss:

Coconut water is very effective when it comes to weight loss. Being very low in calories and fat, this drink is so much better than coke, soda or other kinds of drinks that are full of sugar. They are great for your health and can definitely help you lose some weight. This is why this drink is so popular and has been used for so many decades to reduce belly and body fat. Moreover, this drink it very palatable so drinking it is never really a problem. So if you want to lose weight, replace your coke and soda with coconut water.

3. Reduces Tan:

Coconut water can also help you remove tan effectively from your body. All you have to do is take some fuller’s earth and coconut water and use this as a natural face pack daily. You can do this five times a week as this will cleanse your skin completely. You will effectively get rid of tan within a couple of days and step out in the sun with your umbrella and sunscreen without having to worry about getting tanned again.

4. Acidity:

Most women who are pregnant usually suffer with acidity problems. Drugs and medication should definitely be avoided at this age as this will only cause damage to your health and baby. The ultimate way to fight hair problem is by using the goodness of coconut water. Pregnant women should consume this on a regular basis and they will get rid of this problem effectively. In fact, coconut water will make them will light, refreshed and active all the time. It will also have a positive effect on their health.

5. Helps Maintain Cardiovascular Health:

To maintain a healthy heart, you should incorporate coconut water in your diet regimen along with healthy diet and exercise. One fresh tender coconut water, once a day is optimum to improve cardiovascular health. It controls cholesterol. It helps to reduce the cholesterol level of heart and aorta, which results in a healthy heart and reduced chance of heart attacks. They have a stimulating effect on various enzymes in the body and helps in recovering from myocardial damages.

6. Menstruation:

During menstruation, women loose too much blood. Though, this is a natural phenomenon that blood needs to be restored in the body. Some loose more than the others. Their body becomes weak if not done so. Coconut water is the best way to restore it in the fastest way possible. Coconut water if full of nutrients which is necessary for this purpose. The nutrients are manganese, magnesium, calcium and potassium, which also help to relieves cramps. The women are always advised to have coconut water before and during their cycle as it replenishes your body nutritionally and also helps balance hormones.

7. Kidney Stones:

People who are suffering from kidney stones and are under medical treatment are also advised to have ripe raw coconut water daily. The water helps in diluting the urine and makes it easier to flush out chemicals like calcium, phosphate and uric acid in the kidney. It helps in breaking down the stones and eliminates it from the body faster. Coconut water is a natural diuretic and helps free flow of urine, that helps in maintain a healthy kidney and urinary tract. Thus, it also nullifies the chances of new stones after treatment.

8. Digestion:

Coconut water is believed to be very good for the digestive system. It improves digestion and thus helps to flush out waste and toxins from our body. The digestive system is the key to keep a healthy body and mind, and the foods and drinks that aids in a proper digestion are important in our diet. A slow and unhealthy digestive system leads to development of serious problems. One Coconut yields about 9% of the fiber of our daily requirement.

9. Diabetes:

Although coconut water is a sweet drink, but it is yet beneficial for diabetic patient. They suffer from impoverished blood circulation, due to which they often suffer from numb feet, discomfort, blurred vision and also kidney failure. It can be avoided with consumption of coconut water. Coconut water improves blood circulation and also widens the blood vessels. Although coconut water dose nothing for curing diabetes, but they definitely help to provide relief from the side effects of the disease.

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Benefits Of Coconut Water For Skin:

10. Anti-Ageing:

Skin ageing is such a common problem for women these days. They are hardly in their early thirties and some of them start to see signs of ageing. An effective and easy way to combat this problem is by using the goodness of coconut water. All you have to do is drink coconut water on a regular basis. Not only will you improve the elasticity of your skin but also make it firmer and tighter. It will help you young younger the natural way, without having to use chemical laden cosmetics and others.

11. For Acne And Blemishes:

In order to get rid of acne and blemishes you may use coconut water as they are the perfect remedy for pimples, acne, breakouts, blemishes and skin infections. All you have to do is take some turmeric and grind it well. Add coconut water to this mixture and apply it all over the affected areas. Let it stay for twenty minutes and then scrub it off with cold water. You can also use some cold water towards the end as this will help you get rid of the yellow colour that usually stays behind even after you have washed off the turmeric.

12. Skin Moisturizer:

The free radicals in the environment, like sun and dust are harmful for our skin. They dehydrate our skin and leave them damaged. To keep them hydrated and to restore its suppleness, apply coconut water topically on the face. You can also make a face mask with coconut water. Just mix it with lemon and its make a best non greasy hydrating moisturizing pack. Mix, 2 tbls coconut water, ½ tsp lemon juice and 1 tsp honey (if you have dry skin) in a bowl. Apply in on your face with cotton and massage in circular motion. Let the skin soak it in for 30 minutes and then rinse off with cold water. You can do it on alternate days.

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Coconut Water Benefits For Hair:

13. Fights Dry Hair:

Out of all the hair problems, one that annoys us the most of us is dry hair. So many of us will go the parlour regularly while some will just keeping buying expensive products at ebay and flipkart. This can indeed be a very silly thing to do because sometimes it does not even give us the results we want. All you have to do to hydrate your hair is by using some cool coconut water. That’s it. This should be massaged on your hair for a period of about five minutes. It will make your hair smooth, soft and manageable.

14. Hair Conditioner:

Coconut water also acts as an excellent hair conditioner. It will moisturize your hair by penetrating into it and make your hair soft, smooth, glossy and radiant. You should always mix some mayonnaise with coconut water and apply this on your hair after shampooing. Keep it for fifteen minutes and then wash it off with cold water. This will surely show you great results that too within a couple of weeks. You can also consume the water on a regular basis if you would like to derive better results out of it.

15. Makes Your Hair Shine:

Coconut water has also the ability to shine. This is one of the top reasons why most beauticians and experts have advised us to drink coconut water on a daily basis. This is great for the hair and is full of Vitamins and minerals that will surely impart a lovely shine and colour to your hair. So if you want glossy, beautiful and nice hair, make sure you drink some coconut water. You can also massage your hair with it. But the best way to see results is by consumption.

Nature has provided us with this nutritional water which has so many health benefits to derive. We have discussed 15 best health benefits of coconut water to make you aware of its importance in your daily diet regime.