First Month Of Pregnancy Diet Chart – Which Foods To Eat And Avoid

Pregnancy is the formative years of motherhood. While stress can have a bearing on your health, it is necessary you balance that with some healthy supplements from the beginning. For a healthy baby a pregnant woman need to know what food she should have and what she should avoid. A healthy food habit is very necessary during the entire period of pregnancy.

First Month Of Pregnancy Diet

First Month Pregnancy Diet Chart:

Start healthy from day one. Make no compromises here and follow the diet like a ritual. Take a look at some of the best food to consume during pregnancy and what can be avoided. What to eat in the first month of pregnancy worry needn’t be a worry any more. We have put them here for you.

What to Eat During the First Month of your Pregnancy:

Let’s see 1st month pregnancy women what to eat.

Folate Rich Foods During Pregnancy:

Substitute your pills with some healthy food. Healthy foods should be your tall-time preference. Fol ate-rich food is important for the proper growth of the embryo. The foods which all are rich in folate such as orange, green vegetables like broccoli and beans, eggs, potatoes etc. are a sure thumbs up!

See More: Diet During 6Th Month Of Pregnancy

Vitamin B6 Enriched Supplements:

Vitamin is the most obvious important supplement for pregnant ladies. Foods that contain vitamin B6 are very much essential as per 1st month pregnancy diet. It gives relief from vomiting, one big annoyance during pregnancy. Foods like peanut butter, bananas, salmon, and nuts are rich in vitamin B6. During the development of the baby inside the womb vitamin plays a vital role in providing the necessary nutrients.

Fruits Essential During 1st Month Pregnancy:

One of the main ingredient in the diet during the first month of pregnancy is fruits. No diet is ever complete without that. It is considered to be the most perfect food option to carry a safe and healthy baby. Your first month of pregnancy diet should be complete with fruits to ensure a healthy baby and mother. Choose to go with one big bowl of apples in the morning. Top them with some nuts and a glass of milk for the side. As much as possible, avoid papaya. Apart from our advice, remember to consult your doctor for fruit friendly diet.

Iron-rich Foods Supplements:

Iron is like a pillar of support. Your 1st month pregnancy diet should contain iron rich foods to ensure a constant supply of minerals. Consider eating oatmeal on a daily basis, and other food like chicken, beans, dry fruits, mutton. Rich source of iron implies a good flow of blood to both the baby and the mother. Remember to have two dates in the morning and at night.

Food Containing Sugar:

Do not worry about your weight increase. It is true that weight increases at the time of pregnancy. Calories are another important thing during pregnancy. Go guilt free and consider it to be the best time of the lifetime to engage in eating pancakes, cakes and pudding. Don’t hesitate! But don’t over eat!

Milk Products as First Month Pregnancy food:

Milk products are easy to digest and so it is often advised by the doctor. It holds rich sources of protein like folic acid, vitamin D, calcium. In this aspect dairy products like yogurt and cheese can also be eaten sufficiently. Milk is yet another healthy option. Remember to drink one glass of milk daily.

See More: 4Th Month Pregnancy Diet Chart

Spinach for the Greens:

A healthy diet is a big yes during your pregnancy. Think of spinach, when you think of vegetables. Its high amount of folate or folic acid protects your baby from birth defects and chances of premature birth.

Citrus Fruit:

Citrus fruits are abundant with Vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to boost the immunity of the foetus. Lemons keep away influenza, the one common ailment during pregnancy. Include grapefruit in your first month pregnancy diet for a healthy development of the foetus.


Balanced diet is advised by the doctors to ensure a healthy baby without any complications. If you are carrying a baby, then be sure about the diet chart that you need to follow. To be on the cautious side, make sure you consult your doctor about the nuts you can eat. Nevertheless, nuts are rich in vitamin B and E. They are a good source of fat and of potassium, zinc and copper. Peanuts, almonds and cashews are rich in fat and are good sources of vitamins and minerals.

Meat as a 1st Month Pregnancy Diet:

Many people do have an idea that meat is not at all safe for pregnant lady. This is not true. Remember to keep away raw uncooked meat and sea food. There could be a risk of contamination. An occasional serving of meat is safe and there is no risk. You can remove the visible fat from the meat and precook the meat for some minutes.

Food to Avoid in the First Month of Pregnancy:

Here are the most common foods which a pregnancy women should avoid.


This food can harm your baby during the period. It heats up the body which is not good for the time. It can lead to serious issue like miscarriage. Thus, it is better to avoid it.

See More: 3 Months Pregnant Food To Eat

Sea Food:

Seafood is strictly prohibited in pregnancy diet. Such foods contain good amount of mercury which is proved to be very harmful at this time. Especially as diet during first month pregnancy it is safer to avoid. Besides, fishes of fresh water are safe. You can have fish do take care of the fact that it is from a good place.

Soft Cheese:

Though cheese contains high calorie, it is at best to avoid soft cheeses when you are carrying. The product is very much responsible for forming bacteria and food poising. This can be a serious health issue for mother and baby both.

Street Foods:

For the greater good, stay away from street food. The unhygienic cooking atmosphere and ingredients can take a toll on your health and you maybe subject to infections and fever. Think healthy, eat healthy!

Processed Food:

Another big no! So, it is better to avoid those foods which are harmful for pregnant woman. Among the many, processed foods is one. Packets of juice, condensed milk are better to avoid in this period. These processed foods could be preserved for a long time and thus they form bacteria inside.


Limiting caffeine intake is important. Caffeine is absorbed very quickly and then permeates into the placenta and foetus. It can seriously restrict foetal growth and increase the risk of low birth weight of the baby.

During the entire period of first month pregnancy remember to take in fresh food. Mainly those, that carries high protein and vitamin. Vegetables and fruits are always important at this time. They provide sufficient amount of nutrients and proteins. You need to keep an eye on what are essential foods suitable for this time. If they serve your purpose, buy them to gain energy during pregnancy.