GM Diet Side Effects | Styles At Life

Do you want to lose weight? Have you tried different weight reduction program and failed? Are you thinking of trying the GM diet? This weight loss management program is planned by the General Motors Inc. in order to help their employees and their families keep in shape. This diet program includes specific types of food each day and it is continued till seven days. At the end of the seventh day, you will find yourself glowing and ten to twelve pounds less.

It started with an in-house program for the employees, but due to the benefit and positive results, has become a worldwide phenomenon. However, during the diet course you are not allowed to consume any type of alcoholic drink, as it increases the level of uric acid in the body and hampers the proper metabolic process. You can follow the diet at least once in six months, to detoxify your body and have a glowing appearance.

gm diet side effects

Though the Gm diet plan chart is popular all across the world, there are still some questions about the real effectiveness of the diet. However, as this is a fast-paced diet plan, it comes with some side effects. You can experience some sort of uneasy conditions, which are as follows:

GM Diet Side Effects:

Sudden weakness in Muscles:

You can feel sudden weakness in the muscles, as the muscular tissues will be deprived of enough amount of protein during the first few days of the diet program. However, once your body gets used to the nutrients provided by the diet regime, you can regulate this condition.

Malaise and Headache:

During the first day of the diet program, some people may experience malaise and headaches. This is because the body needs time to get used to the diet effects. Actually, this effect is a bit psychosomatic, as the body craves for mouth-watering dishes and have to refrain from those, in achieving the dietary goals.

Dehydration and incessant Thirst:

While following the diet program, your body might feel incessant thirst. As most of the body fluid are used for enhancing the metabolic process, you might suffer from dehydration. In order to prevent this situation, you need to consume more amount of water and experience a rejuvenated feeling.

Dry Skin:

While you are on the diet, you may notice that your skin has become dry after two or three days. This is because the body consumes a large amount of water to foster the metabolic process. So, you need to intake a lot of water and prevent your skin from becoming dry.

Along with the diet, it is necessary to do regular exercise, at least for ten minutes in a day. Adequate rest, intake of water and other fluid like fruit juice, and exercising helps the body to adjust to the new diet program. Following the instructions properly also prevent the side effects from occurring and gives you better results. This diet is not suitable for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children. If you are suffering from any ailment, you should consult your physician before starting the diet program.

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