How to Make Green Tea at Home | Styles At Life

A chilly Sunday evening. A calm wind blowing through the leaves. The entire family gathered around a steaming cup of beverage engaged in a heavy gossip. Who doesn’t want an evening like that right? And what’s better than your favorite beverage coming along with some handful of functional properties?

How to Make Green Tea At Home

The Chinese may have been using green tea for a long time now, but it is now out in the open. Green tea is the best healthy beverage of all time. Leaves extracted from Camellia sinensis forms the green tea which was initially originated in China but now is extensively used all around the world for its nutritional value.

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How Does it Benefit us?

One of the most precious gift green tea can offer us is weight maintenance. Green tea is known for its mellow test and its great property to deduce the weight radically. Along with burning the excess fats, it helps in boosting up of the metabolism which in turn trims us down. This is also a beautifying agent as this pushes back the wrinkles giving us a younger look. Green tea also reduces the level of cholesterol thereby reducing the risk of any cardio diseases like heart attack.

There are many other such benefits but what need is there of the benefits if we cannot properly make it. So here is a small guide to how to prepare green tea:

How to Do it?

Although different people prefer different styles and patterns, one of the easiest method to make green tea is to brew it. Green tea can be availed in loose as well as packaged in bags. While the bags are easy to make, the authentication on the loose powder green leaves are admirable.

Powdered tea leaves are put in a bowl or boiling pot along with water and then boiled till a light green liquefied consistency is availed. Then it is strewed just like tea. It is necessary for us to ensure the quality of the powder is of good quality.

At other times the ready made tea bag is available. It can be soaked in a cup of warm water and drank. Easy enough for anybody.

Then there are times when the whole green leaves are submerged in water and then boiled to the max where they start eluding the flavor and the color.

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The Different types:

There are various types of green tea and every time we try to make them a new method is introduced.

One of them is the gunpowder green tea or the pearl tea as called by the Chinese which resembles gun pellets which when boiled in water gives out pearly bubbles.

Then there is the Pi Lo Chun which in Chinese is “green snail spring“.

The Matcha is a powdered form of green tea. Then there is the Gyokuro which is the Japanese green tea that resembles pine tree leaves and has a sweet taste.

Water for Every Occasion:

Green tea preparation calls for the kind of water that is kind of soft, that is, low in minerals and is a pinch bit of acidic. This is why tap water should be avoided and if used should be boiled at first. Then the water temperature comes to play where the temperature of water will decide the flavor, color, texture and aroma of the tea since different tea dissolve at different temperature. This is why a slow brewing is necessary to bring out the flavor.

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There are different ingredients which can be added to green tea for better taste. Like while brewing or after brewing tulsi leaves, honey, cinnamon, lemon etc can be added as per choice for extra added taste.

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