How To Straighten Hair Naturally? | Styles At Life

Women have always been fascinated with long, beautiful and attractive hair. You will always find them at salons trying various treatments, massages and masks in order to give it a youthful and radiant look. Even though it gets a little too expensive some times, women don’t mind doing it only because they are always so keen to maintain their hair. Those who suffer with frizzy and unmanageable hair always end up straightening it. This gives their hair some volume, shape and shine. The hair becomes much more attractive and long at the end of this.

The good part is that you don’t always have to go to a salon to straighten your hair. You can get it done at home without spending thousands of dollars. Just follow this article carefully and you are good to go. Having curly hair can be a blast at times but many situations require you to sport a head of straight hair whether it is for a formal occasion or for a recreational event.

If your hair is naturally straight there is no hard work involved as all you need to do is just a little touch up. But if you have a natural set of curly hair then the matter gets a little more complicated but not to worry there is a fast solution to even this problem. And with the right methods you can easily sport a set of beautiful straight hair in no time at all. Getting straight hair may cause damage to your hair in the long run so it is always better to opt for more natural means that do not damage your hair but still give you the results that you desire.

See More: Keratin Hair Straightening Treatment

How To Get Straight Hair Naturally And Permanently At Home?

There are different types of methods to get straight hair permanently at home. Below we mention some of the best and very helpful hair straightening methods and how to do that process also.

How to Do Hair Straightening:

Below the step by step process for how to straighten hair.

1. Buy Hair Straightening Products:

Hair Straightening Products

In order to straighten your hair, you have to buy shampoos, conditioners and serums that will help your hair become straight and manageable naturally. Go to the nearest cosmetic store and get hold of products that will give you the look you have wanted. Always read the ingredients at the back. You might want to stay away from alcohol and other hazardous chemicals which spoil your hair quality very quickly. Make sure all of them are branded and good in quality at the same time.

2. Apply Some Milk To Your Hair:

Apply Some Milk To Your Hair

The next thing you need to do is take some cold milk in a cup. Now take a thick brush and dab it in the milk. After you have done this, apply all over your hair. Keep doing this until your hair has become damp and moist. Every section of your hair should be touched with milk. Now let your hair stay like this for twenty minutes. Stay away from the cooler or fan during this whole procedure. Finally you can rinse it off with cold water.

3. Shampoo And Condition Your Hair:

Shampoo and conditioner bottles

The third step is you need to do is shampoo and conditioning. To get the best results, we suggest you brands like Sunsilk, Dove, Pantene and L’Oreal Paris. They are the best in the market and still quite affordable. Apply the shampoo all over your hair and scalp and massage your hair for the next three to four minutes. After that you need to thoroughly rinse with cold water. After this procedure has been completed, apply the conditioner. Let it stay for five minutes and then you can wash it off.

4. Blow Dry Your Hair:

After shampoo and conditioning has been completed, you have to blow dry your hair. Make sure your hair has become completely dry before you do this. Don’t hold the dryer too close to your hair during the procedure. After that, take some serum and apply in all sections of your hair. Now with a wide toothed comb, brush your hair from the top to the ends. Your hair is completely prepared for the straightening process.

5. Clip Your Hair:

Clip Your Hair for straight

Always remember you can’t straighten your entire hair at one go. You have to do them in sections. Take the top section of your hair and pin it up. After you have done that, take the lower ends of your hair and comb it properly. You have to straighten the lower sections of your hair before you can do the rest. Plug your straightener in and wait for a few seconds to let it heat.

6. Straighten The Hair:

Now take your straightener and clamp your hair between it. Hold it from the beginning of the hair near the scalp. From there you need to pull the straightener down till the ends. Give a little pressure in order to see the results but don’t forget to be gentle. You have to continue this several times. Until and unless your hair becomes completely straight, you have to keep doing it. Use a comb from time to time as well.

7. Repeat The Process:

After you have done this with one section of the hair, you have to repeat the same with other sections of the hair. Remove your hair and let the hair come down. Learn to be a bit patient if your hair tends to be a little too curly. Sometimes a couple of strokes won’t do. You have to keep trying till you get the look you want. Don’t overheat your hair during the entire procedure. You will definitely get your results at the end of 30 minutes.

See More: Japanese Hair Straightening Treatment

How To Straighten Hair Naturally:

Below we have given natural method for getting straight hair permanently and without getting side effects.

1. Use Some Mousse:

Use Some Mousse

The final thing you need to do is using a good quality mousse. Take some of it in your hand and apply all over your hair. This will act as a finishing touch and give your hair a young and smooth appearance. Only a few times should you brush your hair after that. This will complete your hair straightening process at home. If you feel you can’t do this procedure alone, you can take some help.

2. Use A Banana Mask For Straight Hair:

A natural way to straighten your hair is to try the banana mask. For this you will need to mash a banana and some papaya in a bowl. Mix this paste carefully until it has been completely blended. Add two tablespoons of honey as well. After the mixture has been prepared, apply it on every section and it stay for about twenty minutes. Rinse with cold water and then wash it off with a good quality shampoo. Doing this twice a week will give good results.

See More: How To Straighten Curly Hair

3. Milk And Honey For Straight Hair:

Take half a cup of milk and add two tablespoons of honey to it. Make a paste of strawberries and add it to this mixture. Apply all over the hair and let it stay for about two hours. Rinse with cold water after that and then shampoo and condition it. This will make your hair straight.

4. Aloe Vera For Straight Hair:

How to Straighten Your Hair - Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is rich in vitamins and minerals that keep your hair strong and vitalized for long periods of time. It also helps to keep your hair smooth and moist during the straightening process so that your hair does not burn at the ends causing damage during the process of straightening. Aloe Vera can be naturally extracted and used immediately to help in the process so that at the end of the day you have a long and luscious growth of straight hair. Aloe Vera is one of the best straight hair tips.

5. Hot Oil Massage For Straight Hair:

How to Straighten Your Hair - Hot Oil

Hot oil acts as a lubricant which yet again helps to maintain the integrity of your hair during the straightening process. With the use of oil no matter how many times you straighten your hair the damage done is considerably less than when you are not using hot oil making it a very ideal product during these situations. Try and apply hot oil after a bath and then straighten your hair for the best results and to learn how to do hair straightening.

Below we discussed another simple method that is useful for how to get straight hair.

1. Wash And Blow Dry:

How to Straighten Your Hair - Wash and Blow Dry

Prior to contrary belief washing and drying your hair helps in the straightening of your hair as it keeps your hair ready for the heat that comes from straightening. It makes the process considerably easier by reducing the coarseness of your hair considerably. This is a very important implementation in learning how to get straight hair

2. Divide Your Hair Into A Couple of Sections:

By dividing your hair into multiple sections you have the opportunity to give every section equal importance during the process of straightening making it not only an easy process but also a completely full proof one as this one not even one hair on your head will be left unattended. This is the best way to learn how to get straight hair naturally,

3. Comb Out The Tangles:

How to Straighten Your Hair - Comb Out The Tangles

By combing out the tangles while straightening your hair you help make the process much easier as it does not allow for any hiccups during the process like the straightener getting stuck halfway and so on. This is possibly one of the most important steps to take in order to know how to straighten hair.

This article talks about the best ways by which you can straighten your hair while doing no damage to your hair or its roots. To achieve straight hair with minimal damage one must adopt a set of precautions so that at the end of the day not only do you enjoy straight hair but you also feel healthy as well.