Portrait Photography by Paul Apal’kin
Paul Apal’kin is a talent photographer based in Zaporizhia, Ukraine, who captured the black and white portraits by good use of lighting and shadows. View the website
Paul Apal’kin is a talent photographer based in Zaporizhia, Ukraine, who captured the black and white portraits by good use of lighting and shadows. View the website
Umflarea țesutului mamar la băieți sau la bărbați este ceea ce se înțelege prin ginecomastie. Când nivelul hormonilor, cum ar fi testosteronul și estrogenul, fluctuează, provocând un dezechilibru în organism, este posibil să aveți ginecomastie. Partea tristă este că, uneori, poate afecta uneori sânii uneori sau puteți vedea acest lucru și pe ambii sani. Cu […]
Šal je kos oblačila, ki je zagotovo zadel tako moškim kot ženskam. Ker so vlečne šali uporabljane samo v času zime, vsako leto najdemo različne sloge in vzorce. Navaden, črtast, vzorec, žično, zvit, okrašen – obstajajo številni slogi, iz katerih lahko izberete. Tu bomo spoznali, kako začeti pletati šal. Zato se pripravite, da izbereš nekaj […]
Ogrlice so pomemben del nakita, ki ga vsaka ženska nosi, obeski pa so pomembnejši del ogrlice kot ornament. Ni vedno zlata ali diamantna, dekleta so mnogokrat nora o kovinskih in srebrnih. Različne vrste srebrn obesekov: Tukaj je seznam prvih 15 srebrnih obeskov in lahko izberete najboljše za vas. 1. Obesek rdeče krvne celice v srebru: […]
There are various types of treatments that can be done for people with oily skin with the Aloe Vera extracts. There are many types of useful ingredients which can be used easily to make various types of mixtures that can be very helpful for people having oiliness. This is quite useful for usage. This cactus […]
Longtime Lucy Liu beauty fan here—Golden Globes fishtail braid aside—and I'm really feeling this hair from her appearance at PaleyFest this weekend. It's half-up, half-down hair (which I make no secret of being a fan of) but it's a little more interesting than the way I usually do mine. Here's a wider view: And a […]
Az öregedés elkerülhetetlen – mind fizikailag, mind érzelmileg változni fogunk, ahogy idősebbekké válunk -, de ez nem jelenti azt, hogy az 50-es években nem lehetsz mesés. Mi választottuk a 50 legjobb frizurák nőknél több mint 50 az ötvenes években híres női hírességek, például Andie MacDowell, Kris Jenner, Angela Bassett, Geena Davis, Sela Ward és még sokan […]
3D paint splashes Background plays an important role in designing any of graphics, banners or ads. Cool backgrounds are always essential to make your design fashionably attractive or impressive to your audience. So what is cool? The aesthetics of cool reminds us of synonyms of fashionable, stylish, chic in our modern world, which has close […]
Promise rings are worn by couples who commit themselves for each other for the coming years in their life. The main reason behind wearing promise rings is that the boy and girl come in an interaction of being faithful to each other from then on wards. The constant wearing for the promise ring will always […]
Masinis žemės drebėjimas, kurio dydis yra 8,8 mm, nukentėjo Ramiojo vandenyno, esančio netoli Japonijos šiaurės rytų, maždaug 14.46 val. Kovo 11 d. (JST), dėl kurio buvo padaryta žala dėl elektros iškrovų, gaisro ir cunamio. Dievas palaimina Japoniją, meldžiasi už savo žmones … Japonijos savivaldybės pajėgų narys nešioja žmogų Natori mieste Miyagų prefektūroje. Masinis cunamis nukentėjo […]
According to the Environmental Working Group's latest report, 73 percent of sunscreens on the market provide inferior protection or contain worrisome ingredients. I know they give a statistic like that every year, but I never fail to be shocked by it! That means: Hormone-disrupting sunscreen filters are still in widespread use, Many manufacturers are selling formulas […]
Arra gondolsz, hogy megkapod a mellkasi tetoválást? Jöttél a megfelelő helyre! Ez a legjobb gyűjtemény mellkasi tetoválás férfiaknak EVER. A mellkas kialakítása rangsorolt..A férfi mellkasi tetoválásnak szinte semmi köze sincs a helyükön kívül. Vannak olyan elemek, amelyek redundánsak lehetnek, de összességében a különbségek jelentősek. A mellkasra tetovált tetoválás nagy ügy, mert ez nagyon kitett terület. […]
Anglijos liemenė, paprastai žinoma kaip kostiumo liemenė Amerikos šalyse, tikriausiai neturi jokio skirtumo, nes abi apima viršutinę kūno dalį ir tuo pat metu yra be rankovių. Liemenės ilginamos iki liemens su užkampiu. Su trimis, penkiais arba vieninteliu mygtuku paspaudus, liemenės tvirtai laikosi kūno. Vestuviniai kostiumai dažniausiai yra stilingi drabužiai, kuriuos galima nešioti per marškinius be […]